Friendly Banter

"the post nap coffee club.."
Started by fabulousfifty1 on 5/28/2015 3:19:02 PM

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5/28/2015 3:19 PM
Rise and shine, I just had my afternoon power nap and my head feels as big as the giant pumpkin.. Need a major infusion of caffeine to get this arse up and going again...

Hot and humid in the ville, grass is cut, AC vents clean for a few more days, and coffee all around... Survived the class reunion (man them people are old!), the holiday weekend and lots of company...

Hope all is well with you... need another cup and another and another...................... HAGD!!!
5/30/2015 8:53 AM
hi fabbyy,, sounds like u had fun at reunion! me im just dealin with life and its stresses! but ohh well i will survive.. just poppin in, to drop off some more coffee and breakfast items. this Saturday gonna veg out..

leaded coffee to the left, unleaded to the right
cheesy bacon omelets
cereal all varities
toast bagels, biquits
grab a plate sit a spell relax..
have a great day!
6/11/2015 1:44 AM
Hello ladies!

This thread is just too dead dangit! My hopes were that y'all would come visit more often. I figured I could count on Fabby, Jane and Amy to keep it alive but it seems to be waning away.....I wish Nikki would come visit now and again. I think the four of y'all could really get this place hoppin' again!

A song for all of you that pertains to my feelings...

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