Friendly Banter

"Darren Day"
Started by Ella on 12/2/2014 9:45:41 AM

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12/2/2014 9:45 AM

Everyone celebrate Darren Day. Do a good deed. Remember Darren. Remember Phlegmmy.
12/5/2014 11:12 PM
Did Phlegmmy die on 12/2?

My good friend Phil died of lung cancer last year on 12/2. Didn't realize they kicked on the same day.

Miss 'em both.
Mr. PeaBody
12/7/2014 10:13 AM
R.I.P. :(
12/7/2014 6:12 PM
No, Michael. Darren was a friend of Phlegmmy's. Darren died on December 2, and Phlegmmy made that day Darren Day. He used to load up his pockets with change, etc., and he'd head out to where poor people hung out. He'd give them money, gloves, etc., and make sure to touch their hands when he gave it to them. He said that these people rarely are touched. He made December 2 a day of good deeds...paying it forward, so that Darren would be memorialized in a good way.

And yes, we all miss him. Darren Day is only reason why. Phlegmmy was a very special man.
12/8/2014 12:57 PM
*only one reason why.
12/20/2014 4:00 AM
Indeed, Paul was a special guy. I loved our communications through our profiles.

I still have them and they'll be on my computer for my daughter to read when my time comes.

We were so different in some ways yet so alike in many others. I miss him a lot.

I remember "Darren Day" along with my friend Paul.

God Bless you and I WILL see you again one day.

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