www.facebook.com https://www.facebook.com/Crowlypso--------------------------------Michelle Lewis-------------------------------------------------------
Whoop: We're Horny, Oppressed Old People!_________
Whoop: We have other options? Perfect!_______________________________________
Skin Artist & Dietary Cook/Patient Activist and So much More!
Living in the northwest. I Da HO...U Da Ho
Acroing since 1999 ***WAS A ***-Member of The Bach Pack Acro Team:
Ship wrecked on Dec. 15th/16th-2002.
Now A proud member of the Hot Tub/bers!Check out: Team Acro & the Teams websites.My Name arrived shortly after joining The BP's and yes I played team acro b4 ever Actually playing ACRO... Weird!
Whoop not being of or 4 a college, and the song goes "Woot"...there it is! But I like Whoop better... and use it! mostly I picked it from an Ice Cube song "Put The "Whoop" on em..."FYI.......
----------I Love word games, Love All Animals,(especially my Doggies! whom passed away) august 2008 got a new one though "Skeye"!! ... and Fishing, Rock Hounding, Herbs & Roots, Painting, Drawing. Moonshine.Good Red Wine(Dry) Garlic Onions Parsley & Cilantro. I collect many things, one of my favorites is rocks & feathers. Now bones & skulls.
I listen to Punk Rock, Reggae, Rock, Blues, Rap, Metal, Outlaw Country & much more!
I love Nature!!! Many days after Fishing I take my empty grocery sack & fill it with "Other's" Discarded garbage! I Loath those who Litter!I try to take @ least one piece(usually more) of someone else's garbage out w/ me, I don't even leave my own cigarette butts!
"One World... welcome to it! One World... don't abuse it!"-Anthrax-
Peace & Anarchy! Oh, how Crass!<-^-///
Email: gypsyrage@hotmail.com
Whoop is ranked #15 out of 19 players!
Current Statistics | Games Played: | 6510 | Games Finished: | 4919 | Games Won: | 312 | Rounds Played: | 44232 | Final Rounds Played: | 1560 | Avg. points per round: | 1.69 | Highest Score: | 17 | Highest Acro: | Flowers eaten? Usually a bunny is present! | Highest Score Date: | 6/29/2008 1:12:00 AM |
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