Friendly Banter

"Does anyone play here?"
Started by L.M.S. on 3/19/2017 5:58:55 PM

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3/19/2017 5:58 PM
Hi guys, I used to play Acrophobia way back in day (when I was and was wondering if anybody plays on here? No one ever seems to be on here when I check and I thought maybe there were just certain days or certain times of day that some of you get together to play. If you do, I would like to join you if that would be okay. I had so much fun playing back in the old days of Acro. I wish I could time travel back to those good times. Oh, and I went by the name LittleMissSunshine and/or LMS back then. I don't know if anyone would remember me though.
Grateful Ted
3/20/2017 12:05 AM
The tribe gathers in the PM, usually 8-10 Eastern (U.S) 7 days a week. Hope to see you soon. Welcome back.

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