Friendly Banter

"Girly Girl"
Started by Ella on 10/6/2015 8:45:15 AM

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10/6/2015 8:45 AM
Stephanie, Rob's sister, is trying to get in touch with you. If you get this, please call her.
10/9/2015 7:21 PM
So weird...Something was telling me to come here...maybe Rob??? Haven't been here or able to play since Rob died. Thank you for the message. Lost the number, but I will email her. Hope the gang here is doing well.
10/10/2015 3:35 AM
I'm so glad you saw the message!

I'm mostly there with the WNA group, 9:30 eastern time Monday nights and 8:30 on Wednesday night. If you want to join us, come then. Maybe you could bring Stephanie, too. :-)

10/10/2015 3:55 AM
Lol(the ore the merrier

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