Friendly Banter

"A Friendly Reminder For New Players/Newly Created Names"
Started by glint on 3/14/2015 10:52:38 AM

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3/14/2015 10:52 AM
If you have a name that, in essence, was not one that was transferred from the old website to this one and you want it to be listed in the Profiles / Stats board, all you need to do is go to your profile and reset the statistics. (That's the part where it says "use sparingly")
3/14/2015 10:54 AM
or use wisely.. yeah that's what it says there lol
3/21/2015 11:53 AM
Here is another tip for players registering a new username.

When you fill out your profile there is a blank for entering your email address. This is said to be 'optional' but what some may not realize is that entering your main email address here will make it appear on your public profile, which one may or may not want to happen, considering the unfortunate potential there is out there for email addresses to get hacked, spammed, etc. Besides this, acro friends can use the message system existing separately for exchanging messages, so an email address is not needed to hear from fellow players (if wanted with certain acro friends, one can always exchange personal email addresses on a 1 to 1 basis, using private messages on one's profile.

If you have entered a personal email address, you may remove it from your personal profile by logging into it, and then just deleting the email address, and saving the change to your profile.

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