Friendly Banter

"The Early Sunday Church Bells Ringing Breakfast Club (posted on saturday nite lol)"
Started by amysloved on 10/25/2014 10:59:34 PM

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10/25/2014 10:59 PM
Rise n Shine! Thought I would get a jump on the Sunday club thread..I been crazy busy with no life last couple of weeks, started that new job, hate it, was still looking, really wanted to get into child care. Soo Monday nite I have an interview with a couple, looking for a fulltime babysitter for their 4 boys.. ages newborn(which is up to 6months) all the way up to 6 yrs old..thers a 2yr old and 4 yr old..yup i know gonna have my hands full with that job, but If im gonna have some stress at least its in a field i have plenty of experience and can adjust it to suite me...vs working in a call center on phone 7.5 hrs a day no new programs to learn in babysitting. and its more money I think..ok well hope all is well with everyone in here.. fabby and jane! and anyone else who pops in..

puttin out some reg coffee..and janes decaf.. cream n sugar to the side.
kinda cravin janes punkin spice muffins..
otherwise here some donuts! help urself, take a seat n relax a spell..

bbl have a happy day folks!
Mr. PeaBOOty
10/26/2014 10:51 AM
The winds and the rains came in like a tempest yesterday, lucky for us it waited tell our little pumpkin carving party was over, nothing like a good old fashioned Halloween party with little ones it was a blast. Have a happy Sunday all.....where is Jane and her muffins btw???? :)
10/26/2014 12:34 PM
Well it's almost kick off time for Sunday football in my world. LOL... Rise and shine was hours ago.. Glad to see there is still a little life on the this message board... Having some Indian summer in my neck of the woods before the November chill sets in later in the week..
Jane Eyre
10/26/2014 12:52 PM
I'm here, I'm here! Coming with fresh carrot muffins with a cream cheese frosting filling. Decaf with skim milk on the side.

Hope everybody is well and enjoying the beautiful fall weather after the perfect summer. It really wasn't too hot here. Not looking forward to winter, though. Brrrrr!

Have a good day!
10/26/2014 7:33 PM
fabbyy MR PPP and jane!! howdy, its 730pm yup im alittle late today lol, yummm jane on the carrot muffins, and mr P sounds like a blast had by all at ur halloween punkin carving party.. temps hit 85 today, but humidity has been low lately and low temps been in mid to low 60s beautiful weather! im expectin lower temps to kick in..within a month or so..

i will catch up soon ..have a great week yall!

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