Friendly Banter

"The Saturday Morning Breakfast Club"
Started by fabulousfifty1 on 9/27/2014 9:24:38 AM

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9/27/2014 9:24 AM
Rise and shine! It's after nine, no excuse for this laying around.. I'm on my probably tenth cup of coffee in what has proven to be a quite hectic September..

Made a washtub of pasta salad before the sun had risen.. Family reunion for my mother's side with another death thrown in on the side..half to the reunion and half to a dear friend.. Two funerals in one month sucks... Death is part of life...

Sun is shining so it is a good day for a reunion so will look forward to the positive.. HAGD and keep the coffee hot, black and fully leaded!!!!!
Jane Eyre
9/27/2014 1:36 PM
Hey, Fabby!! :-)
10/4/2014 9:48 PM
hi ya fabby and jane! i know its not breakfast anymore lol soo sorry to hear about those recent deaths fabbys, prayers sending ur way.. but yummmy pasta salad! I know i havent been around lately last couple of weeks, hubby and i been stressin tryin to find a job, fortunatly I was hired this past thurs, but dont start till oct 13th, now hubbys wiggin out cause he hasnt gotten one. but all in due time i suppose.
have fun at ur family reunion fabby! jane wheres ur muffins! lol see u ladies soon, have a great nite!

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