Installation and Game Issues

"game acting weird"
Started by rehab33 on 7/1/2016 3:06:42 PM

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7/1/2016 3:06 PM
Last night in adult acro the game would flicker and show everybody back in the lobby! And then would flicker and everybody was back in the room!!! Weird!!!!!!!!
7/1/2016 10:57 PM
That behavior was not limited to the Adult Room, it was in all rooms.

That bug happens periodically - you are not really "in" the lobby when it does, it just appears that way. If you enter the /la command at the time, you'll see that everyone is still in the room.

Wait it out, and things return to normal when there is voting or results or a round starts.

Last night, it was happening more often than 'usual', several times, once during a round and no one could enter any acros, and that round was a complete bust.

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