Installation and Game Issues

"Can't Log In!"
Started by HaileyS42 on 12/12/2012 1:39:54 PM

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12/12/2012 1:39 PM
looks like game needs looking into....I log in but nothing is happening...thanks
12/12/2012 6:22 PM
I just asked Michael for a reboot. Hopefully soon!
12/12/2012 8:02 PM
Yikes hope we don't miss WNA.
12/13/2012 5:23 PM
I'm still unable to log in. Is anyone else having this problem? If not, how do I fix it?
12/13/2012 7:54 PM
MlouWill - the game is still down, it's not just you. I'm emailing Michael again, but I suspect he might be out of town. When he's around he's always been responsive. Or I might have sent from an email address that hit his spam filter or something, so I'll be sure to send from one he knows. Either way, hang tight. And take solace in the fact that it's not just you.
1/4/2013 7:29 AM
can we ever playyyy??? D:
1/9/2013 9:29 PM
cant connect
1/9/2013 10:52 PM
I can't log in either. Is it a problem with the game?
1/9/2013 10:54 PM
The game server is down. Messages have been forwarded to the owner. He will get it fixed as soon as he gets the messages and has a minute.
1/10/2013 12:25 AM
same here. hope it's fixed soon. :0)

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